
The Labour Standards Policy

Statement of Intent:

Med-fx Limited (The Company) recognises its responsibilities to its Customers, employees and the communities in which it works and has given itself a set of ethical values in the way it does its business and expects all its suppliers, throughout the supply chain, to adhere to the same ethical principles.

We are committed to complying with all relevant legal and other requirements to which the Company subscribes and with the local laws in all countries from which products are sourced and support the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the 1998 International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

The Company welcomes the introduction of ethical criteria into the purchasing process and is committed to meeting the requirements of the Labour Standards Assurance Management System and the requirements set out in the NHS Supply Chain Code of Conduct.

We are committed to building an organisation that provides products that are sourced or manufactured under working conditions that are both hygienic and safe.

We are committed to ensuring that all workers involved in the manufacture and supply of the products that are supplied and distributed by the Company are treated with full consideration to their basic human rights.

We will make sufficient resources, information and instruction available to ensure that the Company's commitment to this Policy is fulfilled and that there is continual improvement in the manner that it is put into practice.

The Company will establish objectives, targets and programmes at each relevant and functional level of the business that are appropriate, measurable and that will facilitate the Company’s aim to ensure ethical trading.

Current objectives include the installation of a Labour Standards Assurance System, the creation of an "Agreement in compliance with the NHS Supplier Code of Practice, the implementation of labour standards awareness training for those employees that have responsibility for ensuring Suppliers meet core labour standards, the installation of a system for monitoring those Suppliers that have a high degree of risk of contravening core labour standards, the auditing of Suppliers, the creation of a means of monitoring labour standards legislation in the countries of manufacturing origin and the setting up of a "review team" to oversee Supplier labour standard performance.

The Company will facilitate the communication of this Policy throughout the Company and its Supply Chain.

We will continuously monitor and analyse relevant data to enable the continual improvement of the management system.

This policy will be made available to our Customers, the Suppliers of goods and services to the Company, the staff that we, and they, employ and to the people that work in the supply chain.

Policy Aims:

The aims of this Policy are to ensure that the Company’s suppliers, contractors and all parties engaged through the supply chain adhere to the following ethical values:

  • The supplier, and those of their supply chain, must not employ children under the age of 15 years. If national laws or regulations allow children aged between 13 and 15 years to perform light work, such work is not permitted under any circumstances if it would hinder a minor from the completion of compulsory schooling or training, or if the employment would be harmful to their health or development.
  • The supplier shall not use forced or compulsory labour
  • The supplier shall comply with the respective national laws and regulations regarding working hours, wages and benefits and there is freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining is respected.
  • The supplier shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender.
  • Suppliers shall implement high standards of occupational health, safety and welfare, and comply with applicable occupational health and safety regulations and provide a work environment that is safe and conducive to good health.
  • The supplier shall comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards as well as implement an effective system to identify and eliminate potential hazards to the environment
  • The supplier shall be prepared for any disruptions of its business, to include disaster plans to protect both employees and the environment, as far as is reasonably practicable, from the effects of possible disasters that may arise within the scope of its activities.
  • The supplier shall comply with international bribery standards as stated in the United Nations’ Global Compact and local anti-corruption and bribery laws, including The Bribery Act 2010. In particular, the supplier may not offer services, gifts or benefits to any of the Company’s employees in order to influence the employee’s conduct in representing the Company.

(Original signed and dated by Company Directors and maintained in the Company’s Labour Standards Assurance System Manual).

The Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations

As a producer (Reg. No. WEE/AAD043SY) under the above regulations DD Products and Services Ltd will undertake its obligations in the following way:

  • Registering with an approved producer compliance scheme.
  • Marking all Unodent EEE with the ‘crossed out wheelie bin symbol’.
  • Marking all Unodent EEE with a producer i.d. mark and date.
  • Taking back historic WEEE (placed on the market before 15/08/05) which is being replaced and dispose of in an environmentally sound manner, at no cost to the user.
  • Taking back historic WEEE and replace with new WEEE on a like for like basis, and dispose of in an environmentally sound manner, at no cost to the user.
  • Taking back new WEEE at the end of its life and dispose of in an environmentally sound manner, at no cost to the user.
  • Should historic or new WEEE not be replaced by an equivalent item or one that fulfils the same function, an agreed cost would be met by the user.
  • Collected WEEE will be sorted, recycled and treated at approved authorised treatment facilities (AATF).
  • Records kept for a minimum of 4 years.

Producer Responsibilty

As a ‘seller’ under the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007, DD Products and Services Ltd is obligated to provide the following information to its customers:

  • Where packaging can be recycled.
  • The customers’ role in recycling.
  • The meaning of labels on packaging.
  • The relevant chapters on packaging in The National Waste Strategies.

For more information please log onto www.recycle-more.co.uk which provides the U.K.’s most comprehensive bank locator and recycling information for households, businesses and schools.